Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunrise Sunset

Thursday, November 12, 2009

the sun slowly rising
creeping upward
ever so slowly
light streaking across
the sky
mingled in with
scattered clouds
bits of pink and orange
playing hide and seek
nature starting its
morning yawn
still a chill
in the air
muffled sounds
of the waves
rolling to the shores
soft cries of the birds
as they search
for their daily food
circling overhead
the sight of a fish
breaking the water
the quiet movement
of people slowly
making way to join others
in a singular way
along the sands
looking forward
to a new day
looking for change
or continuation
of what has been
bestowed upon them
for some
the search goes on

the sun heavy with
a full day behind it
slowly gathering
downward heading
reaching for the horizon
the expectations
of the day
maybe fullfilled
the darkness creeping
from behind
pushing at the colors
of the soon
night time sky
a quiet time begins
birds flutter about
searching for the nest
energy of the day
all but expelled
fish drift off to sleep
to the depths
they call home
some do gather
chairs for sand
drink in hand
slowly settle in
to watch nature's show
a stillness returns
words not uttered
lost in thought
light turns to dark
the cycle to return
the day wish to continue
or the hope for
a new begining

what is your wish

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lost From View

Inner thoughts
hide from her
what others see
so plainly

style and grace
inner and
outer beauty
missed time
and again

not recognized
missing the joy
one brings to 

happiness uncloaked
great day for all
beaming outwardly
at last revealed

fairy princess
belle of the ball
as it should be
as it always is

she sees herself
as others do
her beauty
walks among us

now we all
are happy

Llink Within

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